Saturday, September 20, 2014

Saturdays: Prep Day for the Busy Upcoming Week

Today I am preparing for a very busy week by making all bread, snacks, and deserts ahead of time. Since my husband and I (typically) do not buy processed snacks due to the overwhelming costs and the weird ingredients, I try to make a lot of stuff homemade. Using a Saturday to make these ahead of time keeps me from making random snack trips to the store. Because lets face it, in a busy week the last thing I want to do is make extra stuff on top of dinner. So here is a list of things I am making today.

1. Homemade cookies. I make them using the nestle recipe. I make them double the size (2TBSP), I do not flatten them, and I add double the vanilla. This makes them super chewy and delectable.

2. Mexican Munch Mix. Really I just did it with cheerios and saltines. You can make it with whatever: rice cereal, cheerios, saltines, oster crackers, cheese its, cornchips.... ect. I happened to have a huge box of cheerios and a sleeve of saltines. I store it in a gallon zip-lock bag and pack it in lunches.

3. Popcorn. I refuse to pay for bags of popcorn when it is so easy to make at home. I air-pop it, spray it with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Also store this in a zip-lock bag and it keeps well. If you add butter it will not keep, it will be hard and chewy.

4. Homemade rolls. These are amazing and saves me from making a trip to the store to get the pan rolls I love so much that cost about 3.00 for a pan. These also keep very well for a week.

5. Homemade frozen pizzas. I use my recipe for pizza crust  divide into four small pizzas and par bake it (475 for 5 min). Then allow to cool completely (no warmth whatsoever). Add sauce and toppings and cover with saran wrap and then with foil. Freeze. When you want one cook of 475 until golden brown and cheese is bubbly in middle (about 15 min).

This is my Saturday, whats yours look like?